Real Estate

Minerva Studio | Istock | Getty Images Some expenses that go with homeownership can often be unpredictable — and costly. Last year, homeowners spent an average of $6,000 on maintenance and repairs, according to a recent report from insurance firm Hippo. A separate study from home services website Angi that measured similar 2022 costs shows
Home prices go up and down according to supply and demand. Very simple. But because homes aren’t commodities like wheat and corn it’s much harder to predict how much supply and demand there actually is. I’ve been following home prices for 40 years but the sharp rise during the pandemic caught me by surprise. None
The Federal Reserve, over its more than centurylong existence, has emerged as a leading force in the stock market. This stature was bolstered by the central bank’s adoption of two unconventional policy tools in the 2000s – large-scale asset purchases and forward guidance. Large-scale asset purchases refer to the Fed’s emergency buying of government debt
Mortgage interest rates dropped again last week, and while that did little to bolster demand from homebuyers, it did send homeowners looking for savings on their monthly payments. Applications to refinance a home loan jumped 6% last week from the previous week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s seasonally adjusted index. Volume, however, was still
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin If you plan on raising your cash investment income in 2023, a position in REITs (real estate investment trusts) may help you do it. REITs are dividend-paying entities that own or finance real estate. They can make their money through rents, property sales, interest income or