Gillian Tett poses the question what to do with Russian music (April 16). Ban it! The All England Club has now announced a ban on all Russians playing at Wimbledon (Opinion, April 23). Art galleries around the world must take down their Kandinskys and the London mayor should also organise a public book burning of Dostoevsky’s
The UK’s plans to enact legislation that would grant ministers the powers to override parts of the Northern Ireland protocol that they dislike are a spectacular error of judgment and strategy (Report, April 22). Not only would any such legislation clearly and unambiguously put the UK in breach of its international obligations under the withdrawal
Russia’s invasion will cost Ukraine’s economy as much as half its economic output this year, according to projections from the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. The think-tank’s spring outlook, published on Wednesday, shows Russia is also likely to suffer a deep recession as a result of western sanctions, while the rest of the central
The UK foreign secretary will on Wednesday warn of “misery across Europe and terrible consequences across the globe” if Russia succeeds in Ukraine, after Moscow accused Britain of escalating the war and threatened retaliation. In a keynote foreign policy speech at London’s Mansion House, Liz Truss will argue that the existing global security architecture “designed
Investors refused to back resolutions demanding stricter fossil fuel financing policies at three major US banks on Tuesday, dealing a blow to environmentalists hoping to apply more pressure to lenders over climate issues. Proposals filed at Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Citi called on the banks to align their fossil fuel financing policies with